We’ve all been there. Someone has a bad day and they’re just not as happy as they usually are. It’s easy to be sympathetic and try to make them feel better, but is there more to it than that?
Can being kind to others actually make you feel good too? There are many ways in which giving up a little bit of your time can benefit yourself, not just those around you. Let’s explore some of them:
It will create a good habit
When you help someone, it will make you feel good. You will be happier and more confident, making you more likable. This can improve your mental health and teach your children an important lesson.
You might not realize this at first, but helping others will also make you successful in life. It’s a win-win situation!
You will be more confident.
You will become more confident.
By lifting others, you will feel more confident in your abilities and be more willing to try new things, speak up and take on new challenges. You’ll know that if you fail, it won’t be because of what someone else did or said about you. It will be because of something within yourself – which means that if you did fail, it wouldn’t diminish all the other successes in your life.
It will make you more likable.
It will make you more likable.
Being likable is a big part of feeling better, and it’s one of the easiest ways to get there. There are so many reasons why people don’t like each other, but most of them come down to a lack of empathy or compassion. The first step toward being liked by others is empathizing with them—to see things from their perspective and understand why they do what they do, even if those actions aren’t always in your best interest. When we can put ourselves in someone else’s shoes, we can connect deeper than ever before.
It will improve your mental health.
By helping others, you will also be helping yourself. Research shows that altruistic people have a lower risk of depression and anxiety, as well as better self-esteem and happiness.
In one study at the University of Michigan, researchers followed more than 1,200 students over two years. Those who were more inclined to help others were happier during the study period than those who weren’t. In another study published in Science Direct’s journal Psychological Science, scientists found that when people helped others without expecting anything in return (what they call “prosocial behavior”), their brains showed less activity in regions associated with social pain — meaning that helping someone else was making them feel better about themselves!
Helping out can even improve your physical health: When we focus on other people’s needs instead of our problems or issues (e.g., “What can I do for my friend?” instead of “How am I going to fix this?”), research shows we’re less likely to experience stress or anxiety—and therefore less likely to develop heart disease or diabetes down the line!
It will make you happier.
The act of uplifting others will make you happier. When you help someone, it makes them feel good about themselves. They feel more fulfilled, connected to the world, and connected to themselves. As a result, they are happier as well. In turn, this boosts your happiness levels because you get a vicarious boost from their joy!
It will teach your children an important lesson.
You can also teach your children an important lesson. Remember the story of the hungry little girl who wanted to eat a piece of bread? She asked for it but didn’t get it. Instead, she was given money to buy her bread from the store.
This is a great lesson for kids because it teaches them to be more empathetic, caring, and generous in their lives. They will learn that many people out there don’t have enough money to buy food for themselves or others like them who need help!
It will teach them how important it is not only to give back but also to do whatever they can – even if it doesn’t seem like much at first glance – especially when someone else needs help right away!
Uplifting others is not just something that benefits other people but yourself as well
Taking the time to uplift others will positively impact your life. You’ll feel good about yourself, and that confidence will shine through in your interactions with others. When you make someone else feel good about themselves, they’re more likely to reciprocate the favor later. It’s a cycle of positivity!
It also makes sense that if you’re uplifting others, those around you are more likely to like and trust you—which is great for anyone who wants friends (and even better if their friends are also nice). When other people see how much joy you bring into their lives by being there for them when they need it most, they’ll want to be there for you too.
The benefits don’t stop there, though: Uplifting others helps make us happier. Studies have shown that volunteering makes us happier than any other activity—even sex!
So here’s the conclusion: uplifting others makes you happier, healthier, more confident, and likable. This is why we encourage you to do it! Not only will your actions make a difference in the lives of others, but they will also impact you. This can be as simple as looking up from your phone when someone needs support or helping someone out with their groceries. If you’re feeling down, try doing something kind for somebody else instead of focusing on yourself for once!