Leaders are the people who drive change and have a positive impact on their companies and teams. As a leader, you have the power to have an immediate impact on the lives of people; yet, your choices will have consequences. Many people who aspire to leadership positions can become disheartened when they realize what is required of them in order to succeed in this role.

So how do you know if you’re cut out for being a leader? Well first off, you need to ask yourself these questions: Are you willing to make sacrifices for your team? Do you feel comfortable holding other people accountable? Are there any situations where it would be difficult for someone else to speak up about something going wrong because they don’t want to cause trouble or create conflict among their peers? If any of those scenarios sound like something that could put a damper on your professional aspirations as an aspiring leader then read on!

Here are five real-life lessons about what makes up effective leadership skills and traits:

Leadership is about who you are, not what you do

Let’s say you’re the founder of an organisation, and it has a board of directors and executives. You could be the CEO or the chairman of the board—the person responsible for everything and who possess all the powers. However, this does not necessarily imply that others will respect your leadership.

The key to successful leadership today is influence, not authority.

What qualities distinguish a leader? It’s not about their official title, how many followers they have, or even how much money they make. Leadership stems from who we are as people: our character, our integrity, and our ability to care for others around us.

Leaders are learners

Leaders are constantly learning. They pursue knowledge and keep an open mind, even when they’re already successful. This might be as simple as reading a book or attending a conference, or it can be as complex as taking on a new project at work that pushes your skill set.

I start with the premise that the function of leadership is to produce more leaders, not more followers.

Ralph Nader

Leaders take responsibility for their actions and the actions of their teams.

Leaders take responsibility for their actions and the actions of their teams.
You are responsible for what you do, but also how your actions affect other people.
It’s important to take responsibility for yourself, but it’s just as important to take responsibility for others’ mistakes as well. No one is perfect—not even you!

Good leaders assure that everyone on their team is working toward the same goals in a timely and safe way (or at least trying to). They hold themselves accountable for this by ensuring that everyone is aware of what needs to be done and when it must be accomplished (and then checking in frequently with each member of their team).

If something goes wrong because one person failed to fulfill his or her responsibilities, it is up to the leader to step up and address the issue or risk losing credibility among those who rely on them the most.

Leaders praise in public and criticize in private.

A true leader is always kind and generous with praise, even when it is undeserved. Leaders must be cautious not to undermine their own authority by publicly criticizing employees. Criticism should be given privately and constructively, at the appropriate time, and in a fair manner that encourages growth.

 A ruler should be slow to punish and swift to reward.


Leaders ask great questions.

Leaders ask great questions.
Asking some questions is a great approach to learn. Asking questions can help you understand the needs of your team, your customers, and your company. It also helps you in getting to know others better, which builds trust and respect between you and those around you.

Great leaders have a lot of qualities that make them successful

There are many qualities a great leader must possess: integrity, vision, selflessness and humility to name just a few. But there are also some specific traits that make leaders different from other people.

Great leaders don’t let their past experiences define who they are today (and if they do, then it’s time for some soul-searching). Great leaders seek out knowledge whenever possible because they know it will help them actually be better at their job—and if you want to become successful in any way shape or form then this is an incredibly important trait for you too!

So, what does all this mean for you and your leadership? Leadership is an important part of our lives. It affects us every day, from the people we interact with at home or at work to the leaders we look up to as they make decisions that affect us all. The best way to learn about leadership is by practicing it yourself! So take a look at how these five principles apply in your own life and think about how they could help you become a better leader. You’re sure to see some positive results.

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About Author

Ruchi Rathor

1 Comment

  • You’re spot on with these Fantastic Five, Ruchi. I had the opportunity to lead a company of 50 people for five years. I learned these five truths in the crucible of my position. Would have been great to know them beforehand but I was thankful I discovered them along the way…

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