Time is one of the most valuable resources known to humans. Its limited availability is what makes it precious.
A person managing their time wisely can get an insane amount of competitive advantage over the people who don’t—you can patch up a broken relationship, recover lost money, or get back your good health; but, time, once lost, is lost forever. No amount of money can help you buy time or go into the past to use it again.
Time management becomes more important when you introduce more aspects into your life- fitness, professional life, relationships, entertainment, and…parenting. If you don’t manage time, you will find yourself juggling all these aspects, the result being missing on some part of your life.
That is the life of a working mother.
“Working moms neglect their families and children”
“Working moms aren’t as committed to their work as others”
“Working moms are miserable and always stressed”
Actually, no. Do not let the people shame you.
Believe it or not, working moms master the art of time management and lead a life without any regrets. You too can ace at handling a career and motherhood at once. Don’t let people tell you otherwise—you are the best and you are capable of creating and maintaining a thriving family and work environment at once!

If you’re tearing your hair out because you’re not “perfect” like other moms then you should remember that comparing your journey of motherhood will not help. It will only trigger guilt. You, your situation and your boundaries cannot be compared with anyone else because they’re unique to you and only you.
One thing that I found helpful was cultivating a supportive ecosystem at home: my business demands much of my time, from days to nights without a pause, which is why sleep was a luxury to me that only happened after 4-5 A.M. From kindergarten to 12th, my husband was the one who woke up at 7 A.M. and got our kids ready, drove them to school, and then also picked them up in the evening. Shared parenting is when both parents take equal responsibility for housework and the kids. Your partner is there with you for a reason—with transparency and understanding, having a helping hand will help you sail your boat even in the rough times.
Additionally, do NOT downplay your potential because of your guilt; aside from your talents, being a mother enables you to bring unique soft skills like compassion, empathy, and resilience to the table.
In my field of business, working remotely is possible and is what happens most of the time, especially now, so I am around my kids all day long but never fully present with them. To balance this, when I AM with my children, it’s all about being fully present and in the moment. Focus on quality time over quantity, enjoy the little quirks and laughs.
With work and life and kids on your plate, you’re overloaded with a lot 24/7. If you don’t take a break, you’ll face burnout—physical or/and emotional exhaustion, feeling unaccomplished, and losing touch with your personal identity. At the end of the day, if you find yourself in bubbling resentment, angry, overwhelmed or frustrated, it will affect all aspects of your life, and it has the potential to ruin your family; you’ll procrastinate on work, get fussy with family, start ignoring your health, and all goes downhill from there. We should cut ourselves a break. Self-care is NOT selfish.
Prioritize yourself too, and indulge in your ‘me time. Get that new cup for your daily chai, go for that walk, color your hair neon pink, and hell, bust out the karaoke on the TV. Provide for your family from a place of confidence and contentment—KEEP YOUR CUP FULL, because you can’t give to others what you don’t have for yourself.
The secret to owning a thriving business, raising cultured kids, maintaining a healthy relationship—in a nutshell, living the ‘perfect life—is to create a balanced life, and to create a balanced life: understand the importance of time management, relationships, self-care and being present in the moment. With the amalgamation of these traits, you can enjoy the best of both worlds.