Many of us are searching for happiness. We’re looking for that elusive “something” that will make us feel fulfilled, content and loved. But what if I told you that you don’t have to search at all? That instead of looking outside yourself for what makes you feel good, it’s inside your control? The truth is: it’s entirely up to you how happy (or unhappy) you are with your life. You might not be able to control everything that happens in your life or the things other people say or do around you—but what makes all the difference is how those experiences affect your mindset and outlook on life. We can change our life if we can learn out how to develop a better mindset by altering the way we think about ourselves and the environment around us.

Identify the things that are holding you back.

What are the things that are holding you back?

Are you afraid to speak up in meetings, or to ask for help when you need it? Perhaps you don’t have the necessary financial discipline, or perhaps certain regions of your body haven’t been exposed to sunlight in a while. Whatever it is, name it and acknowledge it so you may begin developing a healthy mindset about this problem.

What are your fears?

What keeps flashing into your mind when someone asks about why their business isn’t growing as fast as they think it should be? Do you frequently have thoughts, “I don’t have enough money, resources, or support from my boss,” which makes you want to give up before doing something new? These fears won’t hold us back unless we let them; but, if we write them down and consider how we could overcome them (and try! ), change is possible. 

1- Make a list of things that you can control.

Make a list of things that you can control.

-Remember: You have no control over how other people will respond or behave. Also, you have no control over the past, and worrying about the future is pointless because it hasn’t happened yet. The only thing left that matters is what you choose to do with your life in the present moment—and this is where we come back to mindfulness!

-What are some things that you can have an impact on? How about: what time you get up; what food or drinks you select for breakfast; how much time spent on social media (or whatever else) before getting down to work; how many push-ups done during lunch hour…etc.

2- Be honest with yourself.

Be honest with yourself.
Understand your own limitations.
Do not be afraid to ask for help.
Don’t let your ego get in the way of progress.

3- Figure out what truly makes you happy and do more of it.

Figuring out what makes you happy and doing more of it is one of the simplest ways to get rid of a negative outlook. If you’re unsure of what that looks like, start by posing the following question to yourself:

What do I enjoy doing?
Who are my friends, and what do we do together?
What activities bring me joy in life?

When I ask these questions to people, they frequently respond, “I love going out for dinner! How often does this actually happen? For example, “I always have fun when I’m at the beach. Is it difficult for you to spend as much time at the beach or go out to dinner as often as you’d want because of other obligations in your life, such as job or school? If so, why not reconsider how much time and energy you spend on those things versus more enjoyable activities?

4- Understand that failure is part of life, and learn from your mistakes.

Everyone makes mistakes. Learning from them and using those lessons in the future is the key to success. Accept that failure is an essential component of life because the only way to learn is via making mistakes.

You can’t be successful without failing at something first! So embrace failure as a learning opportunity, and don’t be afraid to take risks because you’re going to make mistakes anyway.

5- Set goals for yourself and do some soul searching to figure out what your life’s purpose is.

Goals are crucial for maintaining a positive outlook because they give you a sense of purpose. How would you know when or if you’ve arrived if you don’t know where you’re going? Let’s take a look at some of the things to consider when setting goals:
Understand the difference between a goal and a dream. You can use these as examples:

-A goal is something that has an end point, while a dream is something that doesn’t have an end point.

-A dream is more ethereal and difficult to gauge in terms of success, but a goal is measurable and contains clear steps toward completion (unless they include a time frame).

-A dream may be inspired by your goals but isn’t necessarily related to them; for example, if you want to go skydiving but never do it because it’s too expensive or scary, then perhaps your real dream should be owning your own business instead!

6- Surround yourself with people who are going to lift you up, support you and bring you joy.

The people in your life are either going to lift you up, or bring you down. It’s important to be surrounded by positive people who will support and encourage you, not tear you down. How do you know if a person is toxic?

They’re always complaining
They refuse to take responsibility for their actions
They have a “victim mentality” – they feel like the world has treated them unfairly and that they are owed something
How can I avoid negative people?

Someone may be a bit toxic if they are constantly complaining, unable to take responsibility for their actions, and certain that the world owes them anything without any real reasons. Don’t waste too much energy on trying to change this type of person – just try keeping your distance (or cut them out completely) if necessary.

7- Everyone has a different path to finding happiness, but these steps will get you started on yours.

-Set goals.
-Surround yourself with positive people who will support you and your goals, not hinder them.
-Be honest with yourself about the choices you make that affect your happiness, such as deciding to stay in a job or relationship that doesn’t make you happy only because it’s comfortable for those around you (and maybe even for you). 
-Understand that failure is a part of life, but resist the urge to let it discourage you or prevent you from trying again!
-Know what makes YOU happy—not what someone else tells YOU should make YOU happy because they think it’s what YOUR version of a “healthy mindset” should be like (and use this knowledge as motivation to reach those goals!)


People use a variety of different things to seek happiness. The most important bit, though, is to keep in mind that each of us has the freedom to decide what our priorities are and how we want to live our lives. The key is finding what works best for us and sticking with it, even when things get hard. I hope this article has given you some ideas on how to begin your journey towards living your best life possible!

About Author

Ruchi Rathor

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